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Individual Giving

Making your gift is easy!

You can:

  • Donate online now.
  • Send your gift to our office:

Vancouver Recital Society
103 – 119 West Pender Street
Vancouver, BC V6B 1S5

  • Call us to make your gift over the phone. Call 604-602-0363 ext. 202 and speak to Sara Getz, Manager of Donor Relations & Development.

Gifts received are acknowledged throughout the season in our concert programs, and charitable receipts are issued for the full value of your gift. We make every effort to provide charitable receipts within two weeks of receiving gifts.

  • Guardians $10,000 and over
  • Visionaries $5,000 to $9,999
  • Champions $2,500 – $4,999
  • Devotees $1,000 – $2,499
  • Aficionados $500 – $999
  • Friends $250 – $499
  • Enthusiasts up to $249

Monthly Giving

Make your gift in a way that suits your goals and your pocketbook. Monthly, quarterly or semi-annual donations are an efficient, secure and easy way to show your support. Pre-authorized payments can be established on a credit card, or with post-dated cheques on a date that works for you, for an amount that fits your budget.

Matching Gifts

Many employers offer to match their employees’ giving. It’s a great way to double the impact of your gift. If you’re not sure if your work place has such a program, you can ask your payroll or HR advisor, and they’ll be able to provide you with the information.

“My company has a fantastic annual corporate gift-matching program campaign. When I saw that the VRS was one of the eligible non-profit organizations, I jumped at the chance to double the impact of my annual gift. Everything is handled through my work so it’s really low effort on my part. I encourage everyone to check with their company to see if there is a charitable gift-matching program to make an even larger contribution to the VRS!

– Gloria Tom, subscriber, volunteer & donor

Create a Tribute

A concert dedication can be a wonderful way to mark a special occasion or memorialize someone special.

Sponsor a Concert

Sponsoring a concert is more affordable than you might think. Sponsorships start at just $5,000, and there are lots of great benefits that go along with being a sponsor.

If you would like more information about how to create a tribute or sponsor a concert, please call Sara Getz, Manager of Donor Relations & Development on 604-602-0363 ext. 202 or by email.

