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The VRS is in every sense a family. As it happens in life, once in a while we learn that a subscriber or donor, or one of the musicians we’ve presented on one of our series has passed on. It’s never easy to hear this news and it always saddens us; it’s difficult to lose a family member.

VRS Encore Performances, our name for planned giving, ensures that the next generation of artists and audiences have a base from which to grow and develop.

A gift specified in your will is a charitable bequest. You can designate a specific sum of money, an asset, or a portion of your estate. Regardless of how you choose to leave your legacy, the impact will be significant.

If you’re thinking about leaving a bequest to the Vancouver Recital Society, you should consult with a lawyer, or a notary with experience in estate planning. They will be able to help you prepare your will or add a codicil to your existing one.

Types of bequests:

  • Specific – a designation of a specific dollar amount, or piece of property, such as real estate, stocks, bonds or works of art.
  • Residual – a donation of all or a portion of your estate to the beneficiary after all debts, taxes, expenses and other bequests have been paid.
  • Contingent – a gift which only takes effect if the primary intention cannot be met (for example, if the primary beneficiary does not survive the donor)

Please contact us to discuss charitable bequest options, suggested will clauses, recognition, our legal name, or to inform us that you’ve left a bequest to the Vancouver Recital Society in your estate plan. We are grateful that you are considering this option for your giving and would be pleased to help in any way we can.

The VRS also has an endowment fund held at the Vancouver Foundation. For more information on the fund, please click here.

Please note that the information on this page can facilitate dialogue between you and your advisor, but it is not intended as legal or financial advice. Please consult a qualified professional when making decisions regarding your finances or estate planning options.

